Friday, December 31, 2010

Call and Response: Day 53: Endings

We gather
round mugs of coffee
like fire in the kiva
or a lover's smile
looking for heat
erasure of care
waiting for wishes
we gather

Sunday, December 26, 2010


now winter
the hills put on green
if you climb to the top
where soft and moist
a place to lie down
a place to dream

Call and Response: 52: As Carols Linger

From one city of faith to another
I tilt this candle to light your own.

Hold your breath for the incoming
new. I imagine you,

wrapped in the dark warming
your hands and light the fire

under this
last post - more fragile than

winter on a damp cheek.
Abundantly, we concede, the future.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Call And Response: 51 and counting: Deciduous

gently the old year wanes
a few stubborn leaves remain
most branches are bare
though camellias and calla lilies
rush to bloom
and I spy the first pink

Friday, December 17, 2010

Call and Response: 51: The Wet Gift of White

Today there is snow where
yesterday there was none

The crook of the tree
gathers its wet gift

Call and Response: Day 50: Wind's Come

December winds enter
we trim the tree
rain clouds cluster
It's Winter
for a week

Friday, December 10, 2010

Call and Response: Day 50: coffee

the coffee shops in Oakland
filled with people
ands curved around mugs
steam and foam rising
while outside the streets are wet
and the leaves that can fall have
fallen in rich red patterns
oak and maple
nearby the camellias are blooming

Call and Response: 50: Joy

Swivel neck reindeers
are appearing on lawns
Small brown sacks
of sand and candles
draw attention
to the night walk
canyon road
and the door

Christmas will enter quietly
when you are not looking
and are otherwise occupied
with Joy

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Call and Response: 49: Plaza Lights

With our heads in warm hats
and hands brushing the dusk trees
we watched until, impatient,
we escaped to the Five & Dime
for frito pies in one hand and
hot chocolate in the other.
Then stepping back into the cold
we see night had pronounced
the season had come
without us
but gifted us
with tumbling quilt light.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Call and Response:# 49:December

these are the days of endings
of bitter
and sweet
and putting away

the nights deeper
the day crisp
and clear
and remembering

these are the days of endings
of cold
and frost
and returning