Saturday, December 26, 2009

1130 Miles: Christ Mass: Crying All Day

Crying All Day

for the missing ones
the hungry ones
women sleeping under trees
out of doors with no gifts 
but the temporary dry
bordering on warmth

Friday, December 25, 2009

1130 Miles: Christmas Day: Teardrop

Originally uploaded by vajra
day is finished or nearly so
after two days of cooking
shopping chopping eating
nothing to do
after cleaning
rinsing drying shelving

Monday, December 21, 2009

1130 Miles: 36

And on this winter's longest night 
I owe you a poem, a photograph -
loping river gift of light 

miles evaporate between us

Friday, December 18, 2009

1130 Miles: Another Day: Solstice

Originally uploaded by vajra
three days until Solstice
I am still talking about weather
outdoors where sun
and these leaves shine
it's Spring everwhere
except the calendar

warm with chance of

Friday, December 11, 2009

1130 Miles: Day 35: Lonely Angels

Lonely Angels

these river trees between fall and
winter call for hawk or
a painter with thin feathery brush

to coax the gradients of blue above
into an evening brew to hold escaping
warmth in cupped hands, branches of my body

1130 MIles: Day 35: Welcome

Originally uploaded by vajra

the grateful rose
drenched from last night's rain
unwinds her slow beauty
thirst quenched
petals washed
a subtle fragrance

yet I walk on

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

1130 Miles:Day 34: Snow Day

Snow Day

and indoors we stir chocolate and pecans
into an egg and sugar batter to make post Thanksgiving pie

the oldest in fashion, this midday mixer 
no television, no sounds outside; nothing but two pairs of hips

side by side in the little kitchen, shifting

Friday, December 4, 2009

1130 Miles: 34th Day: Parched

Originally uploaded by vajra
last month promised
a wet winter
meteorologist speak endlessly
of the storm
this weekend
next week

while every morning
sun shines
birds sing
I walk to Rooz
hat on head
no jacket
camera ready
for the sight of rain