Friday, February 24, 2012

Pilgrimage: The Mallard Factor

two mallards at the reflecting pond
this is the male
blessed by Nature with
patches of iridescent
green and bright orange
the quiet brown feathered
female is not in
the picture

About this Place: Geometry of Sky

Every snapshot brings 
heaven, heaves dis-
ease out the window and
into the pink wing of beach
in the sky, candy at the hard
corners. No fancy equipment,
just me fumbling to pull
my tiny camera free, to stop
long enough.

Friday, February 17, 2012


This small city where
I encounter photographers taking shots
of the very place I wanted to shoot
So I shoot them instead
and I look at their tripod
and they stare at my lens
And we all smile at the silliness
and I move on knowing that the perfect shot is on the next corner
or down the street or
The one I just took
to send to you

Everyone Seated There

We stare out into warmer times
when the red wine and the white
bottles will pass across the table with
picnic fare promise of pleasure
when the warmer times
take us out to the yard again where
the birds befriend the trees again
and the children run in the yard
seeking spring treasure
and we play musical chairs
if only to talk to everyone
seated there

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pilgrimage: As When Lilies

the sky clouds gray
above wet sidewalks
the shops spill vegetables and greeting cards
out and overflowing
and the heart turns aside
as when lilies bloom
in black

Friday, February 3, 2012


Grass by vajra
Grass, a photo by vajra on Flickr.
the long blades blow
in the clear wind
only a slight hint of salt for flavor
I think of Whitman and Dickinson
and Little women
then carry my bag of cleaning supplies
to the car

#5 This Place and That

As there you
rise to sip
in shirt sleeves
Here the snow-
plows pull up
alongside me
Tonka toys
enlarged to
shove the mess
off to one side
My gloves on
the wheel
of slow

As I return
home by the same
route, a husk of
hush remains
in the dark
clouds hinting more of the same

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Slow Afternoon

yesterday's chill forgotten
in the unseasonable warmth
passersby are confused
some in shirtsleeve
those in heavy coats
lapels opened jauntily
cherry trees rush to bloom
and camellia petals fall
softly to sidewalks
the slight fragrance of
rosemary perfumes the sidewalk
and two boys drink espressos
in the sunlight