Friday, April 29, 2011

Pilgrimage: Day 15: Warming Trend

sun falls on tables
cool breeze blows infrequent
where is my pizza?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Pilgrimage: Day 15: Reflect

Reflect by vajra
Reflect, a photo by vajra on Flickr.

time can be measured in minutes
or in the rise and fall
like slow breaths of water
in a pond clear now
with recent rain until the summer sun
heats then dries it
and erases time

Pilgrimage:#15 In Spring Wind

He floats like the shadow
we long to sew back on
We search for resurrection
in lucky numbers, in dark art
windows on public walls

With our hands out like wings
flapping toward heaven we
rise above the Spring wind
lilacs painted on our fingernails
Easter grass in our sleepy heads

Friday, April 15, 2011

Pilgrimage #14 Steady Frame

I am pulled passing the sepia the
man who beheld men & I place myself
there as if praising by peering
around the camera that caught
this original with camera the
intention & sadness in sustaining
what is beautiful with the eyes stilling
what is not sustained except by peering
in I see perhaps what the man held &
saw as I hold out my hand balancing
camera & one moment of beauty
in my passing exposure to the history
frame steady & his forehead bound
in holding just with these momentary
eyes what is natural
& disappearing

Pilgrimage: Taking Steps

wherever the eye turns
against a bleak wall
beside the pavement
beneath the gray sky
inside the small car
on the girl's face
in the man's smile
where the cat lies
where the poppy blooms
where you and I are


Friday, April 8, 2011

Call and Response #13: Hands

Ours are often spy's eyes
We capture what has fallen and
who will tentatively need
our help to get back up

Very little barrier
between friends and
strangers who do not see
but sense our shadow reach

Pilgrimage: Day 13: Alone

she is alone together
with the other customers
drinking coffee
staring at laptops
invisible barriers like
Japanese business men on a bullet train
each table an island of willingness
to engage but not too much
to be in community but not too close
to sit at a table in a warm café on a cool day

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Call and Response #12: Red Roof

The walk brings me closer
to the center that winks.
Pitched red roof
on the other side
allows rain to run off.

I reach out to still
the rock wheel.
Instamatic shutter.
Snapshot in my pocket.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pilgrimage: 12X: Cemetery Walls

every day I walk among the graves
up hills and down
past angels
past sphinxes
past little lambs
the quiet dead
forgotten or remembered
rest beneath the throbbing
pink and white blossoms of Spring