Sunday, April 10, 2016


Basket in the cursive letters we live, capitalized. 
Practiced years of growing into our first and middle names. 
Assignments made by others that we press and fold, 
pinch and pull, nick and drawl. Truncate or change.

Train of educational placards, elementary picture boards 
strung around the room like memory prayer flags. Green and
charcoal. Upper case to identify as personal. 
Lower case like skipping stones on familiar surfaces. 

Childhood jump ropes raised in the air as
sound enters through the syllables. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


the die slowly
leaving burnt edges
or ghosting
like old letters on onion skin
or the letters sent from far away
a location
faded memories and clothing
every time I approach water
the imprint grows 
more faint 
until it like I

Friday, March 11, 2016

1130 Miles and a Day

these two women engrossed in
work plans dreams how the heart holds and tears
if this were you and I
if miles and days could erase
if we had time enough to say
here am I
here am I